1. Moved oauth.py to __init__.py 2. Refactored __init__.py for compatibility with python 2.2 (Issue 59) 3. Refactored rsa.py for compatibility with python 2.2 (Issue 59) 4. Refactored OAuthRequest.from_token_and_callback since the callback url was getting double url-encoding the callback url in place of single. (Issue 43) 5. Added build_signature_base_string method to rsa.py since it used the implementation of this method from oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 which was incorrect since it enforced the presence of a consumer secret and a token secret. Also, changed its super class from oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 to oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod (Issue 64) 6. Refactored .to_header method since it returned non-oauth params as well which was incorrect. (Issue 31)